Print Forms - Example

Level 3:
  • I prepared my 6 FORMS for this process.
  • I found a half-size manilla envelope, and I printed my name on it in the upper-left corner.
  • This website helped me print the forms I need. I tapped the blue "Click here to download forms" link on the TASK page.
  • My printer printed 5 Note Card FORM 2's. It also printed the other 10 forms I will need.
  • I cut all 5 Note Card, FORM 2‘s in half two times to get 20 note cards.
  • I folded my 5 forms in half and held it in the palm of my hand. Then I set my cut note cards into my folded forms.
  • I pinched them all closed and slid them into my envelope.
  • The folded forms will hold my note cards safely in the envelope.
    My forms and my note cards will be here when I am ready to use them or paperclip them together.