Think of Definitions - Task

Level 3:
  1. Pick up your whole stack of notes.
  2. Read the first note and add the question, A DEFINITION?
  3. For most notes you will not need a DEFINITION, but when you do need a DEFINITION, mark an X on your card, next to the A DEFINITION question.
  4. Put cards with an X in a stack by themselves.
  5. When you have read each card, pick up your whole stack of cards marked with an X.
  6. Again read and question each note.
  7. Choose 2-4 DEFINITIONS to include for your readers.
  8. On your chosen cards circle the word DEFINITION?
  9. On the back side write your word and its DEFINITION.
  10. Later, when you write your report, the circled WORD and DEFINITION will remind you to turn your card over and to write your DEFINITION into your report.