Think of Examples - Explanation

Level 3:
  • Examples give us an excellent way of showing an a specific model of what we are trying to explain.
  • We search our notes for what we can explain with an EXAMPLE.
  • We do this by reading each note and asking ourselves, AN EXAMPLE?
  • When we think of an example, we mark a large X next to EXAMPLE on our card.
  • Then we set that marked card aside to begin a stack of EXAMPLES.
  • After questioning each note, we choose 2, 3, or 4 of our EXAMPLES to write into our papers.
  • We write each chosen EXAMPLE along the top edge of the back of our note card.
  • Then, on the front, we circle the word EXAMPLE.
  • Later, when we write our papers, each circled EXAMPLE will remind us to include the example that is on the back side of our card.